King's Highway 105 -
Highway 105 is Ontario's northernmost King's Highway, stretching for nearly 200km north of the Trans-Canada Highway at Vermillion Bay into Red Lake.
Southern Terminus: Junction Highway
17 at Vermillion Bay, between Kenora and Dryden Northern Terminus: Junction Secondary Highway 618 at Ontario's northernmost traffic signal in Downtown Red Lake Length: 173.7 km. Multiplexes: None Freeway: None AADT (2010): Highest: 4,300, from Highway 125 to Red Lake; Lowest: 850 from Secondary Highway 609 to Onaway Lac Seul Road. Road info: Highway 105 is Ontario's northernmost King's Highway. It is fairly well surfaced, and is lightly travelled. As the highway runs through a remote area, services along Highway 105 are sparse, contained to Vermillion Bay, Ear Falls, as well as Red Lake. Highway 105 has a posted speed limit of 80km/h. |
Highway 105 information: |
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Detailed Route information available
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History of Highway
105 Photographic History of Highway 105 |
Current Interchanges and RIRO's along Highway 115 from South to North:
Proper Municipality Name | Community Name | Distance | Interchange or RIRO |
District of Kenora | --- | 0 km / 173.7 km | King's Highway 17 (Trans-Canada Highway) |
District of Kenora | --- | 13.2 km / 160.5 km | Secondary Highway 609 |
District of Kenora | --- | 37.0 km / 136.7 km | Camp Robinson Road |
District of Kenora | --- | 49.7 km / 124.0 km | Cedar Point Road |
District of Kenora | --- | 65.2 km / 108.5 km | Rainbow Point Road |
District of Kenora | --- | 77.6 km / 96.1 km | Onaway Lac Suel Road |
District of Kenora | --- | 99.3km / 74.4 km | Tertiary Road 804 |
Ear Falls South Limits | Ear Falls South Limits | 100.3 km / 73.4km | --- |
Township of Ear Falls | Ear Falls | 103.1 km / 70.6 km | Secondary Highway 547 / Gold Pines Road |
Ear Falls North Limits | Ear Falls North Limits | 104.2 km / 69.5 km | --- |
District of Kenora | --- | 123.1 km / 50.6 km | Silander's Camp Road |
District of Kenora | --- | 138.0 km / 35.7 km | (Chukuni River Bridge) |
District of Kenora | --- | 157.4km / 16.3 km | Bellocks Road |
District of Kenora | --- | 170.8 km / 2.9 km | King's Highway 125 |
Red Lake South Limits | Red Lake South Limits | 172.7 km / 1.0 km | --- |
Town of Red Lakes | Red Lake | 173.7 km / 0 km | Secondary Highway 618 |
Highway 105 ENDS |
<- Highway 102 - Home Highway 108 ->
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Page last updated: April 1, 2014
Page created: April 1, 2014