Secondary Highway 600 -

Highway 600 forms one of the important secondary routes in the District of Rainy River.  Highway 600 starts in the community of Rainy River, heading north-south in direction.  At River Road, approximately 15 km north of Rainy River, Highway 600 abruptly turns east, becoming an east-west highway all the way to Highway 600's eastern terminus at Highway 71.  Interestingly, a small portion of Highway 600 was once part of the King's Highway network.  Before Highway 70 (now 71) was realigned in the early-1950s, the section of highway from Black Hawk easterly to the route's eastern terminus was part of Highway 70.  In 1997/98 Highway 600 was shortened by 500m as the section within Rainy River was formerly decommissioned.  It is, however, very likely that Highway 600 is still fully signed and locally known as Highway 600 through Rainy River to this date.

Secondary Highway 600 Shield

  Western Terminus:  500m north of Highway 11 at the north Limits of the community of Rainy River.

Eastern Terminus:  Junction Highway 71 & 615 in the District of Rainy River.

Length:  87.7 km.

Multiplexes:  None

Orientation: East-West

Regions Served: Rainy River District

AADT (2002):  Highest:  350, from Rainy River northerly to River Road;

                             Lowest:  120 from River Road easterly to Highway 621.

Road Info:  Highway 600 is a lightly traveled secondary highway through Rainy River District.  The western half of the highway is hard surfaced, while the eastern portion is graveled.  Settlement is almost non-existent along Highway 600.  The posted speed limit is 80km/h.



Highway 600 information:  

Detailed Route information available below
Virtual Tour of Highway 600

Communities and Intersections along and Highway 600 from West to East:

Proper Municipality Name Community Name Distance Intersecting Road

The Southern (Western) 500m of Highway 600 was transferred to Rainey River in the late 1990s.  In all likelihood, the road is still signed and known as Highway 600.

Town of Rainy River Rainy River 0 km / 87.7 km King's Highway 11 (Atwood Road)
Rainy River - Atwood Boundary Rainey River North Limits 0.5 km / 87.2 km -----
Township of Atwood ----- 15.6 km / 72.1 km River Road
District of Rainy River ----- 38.3 km / 49.4 km Secondary Highway 621
District of Rainy River ----- 45.2 km / 24.3 km Secondary Highway 619

At Highway 617:  EB: Turn Left Towards Black Hawk.  WB: turn Right towards Bergland

District of Rainy River North Branch 63.4 km / 24.3 km Secondary Highway 617
Rainy River District - Chapple Boundary Dearlock --- (Pine River Road)
Township of Chapple ----- --- (Roen Road)
Township of Chapple ----- --- (Teeple Road)

At Barwick Road:  EB: Turn Left away from Barwick Road.  WB: Turn Right towards North Branch

Township of Chapple Black Hawk --- (Barwick Road
Township of Chapple ----- 87.7 km / 0 km King's Highway 71 & Secondary Highway 615
Highway 600 Ends

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Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Scott Steeves (Webmaster)

Page last updated:  May 30th, 2008

Page created:  April 23rd, 2005